Wednesday, November 5, 2008


A lot of folks have asked why we're calling our soon-to-arrive girl Hadlock 2000 Margowsky. A few reasons:
  1. "Hadlock" has special significance for us. At the first ultrasound taken of this lil' girl the doc measured the fetus on the screen and then a reading came out telling its exact age. Just then the word "Hadlock" appeared (presumably the software manufacturer?). Lan and I remarked, "Wow. It not only tells you the age, but gives you a name, too!"
  2. Because we were a bit disappointed with the machine's selection of name, we decided to spice it up by adding "2000" as the middle name.
  3. In the process we beat my brother, Greg, to the punch before he was able to legally change his middle name to the age old Margolin family tradition of using the last year you thought it was cool to wear Swatch watches and end every sentence with "not".


Greg Margolin said...

For the record...Greg has NEVER owned a Swatch watch. Pretty much never even wears a watch. Therefor, the tradition of "2000" refers to the year in which Greg ascended above the earthly plane where one needs to know what time it is. transcending, your brother Greg has acquired knowledge that "Hadlock" is actually the name of the formula used to date fetal age by measuring the head diameter on ultrasound. It's named after a Texas physician who developed the technique.

Greg Margolin said...

Our first baby's in-utero name was, "ooops, guess we had too much wine 12 weeks ago". Also named after the technique used to date the fetal age.

The name didn't fit well in conversations so reverted to our speech that fateful night and refered to our baby as "Is-a-Bel-achh" interpreted by many as a drunken question to strangers "Is the Bar...? ughhh(ralphing here)."
